Sunday, July 26, 2009

Book review: "Pendragon" by D.J. MacHale

Ever wondered if it is just going to be one of those normal "days" in your life? 14 year old Bobby Pendragon thought so until he was caught up with events that are literally beyond this world. What started off as a simple kiss with his dream girl and motorcycle ride with his Uncle Press, Bobby's life is turned upside-down when he embarks on an incredible journey to save another planet called Denduron.

Don't let the the title deceive you. Although you may think this first book is about dragons or rescuing is definitely not.

Bobby is not endowed with super or magical powers. He is your typical high school teenager confronting dangers with the same fears and emotions like the rest of us. His only "special" gift is the ability to travel to other worlds using "flumes" or doorways.

Combining first-person narrative (i.e., in the forms of Bobby's journal logs) and omniscient point of view (i.e., seeing into all character's minds), the book is tightly written with no slow spots. It is a fast read and will keep you on your edge.

I love the character of Bobby and while the style of writing is meant to appeal to 12 to 14 year olds, it does not condescend to that age group. Adults will enjoy reading this book as well. In fact, I won't be surprised if a movie or TV show will be created soon.

Genre: Science Fiction/Other Worlds/Adventure fiction

Age recommendation: 12+

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